29 Weeks

Thursday, April 24, 2014

How far along: 29 Weeks
Gender: Girl
Chandler Updates:  About the size of a head of cauliflower.  Her bones are also starting to harden this week.
Weight gain: 16 lbs
Stretch marks: None so far
Belly button in or out: Still flat
Miss anything: Beer- Spence hung a TV outside this week so we've been watching the Braves play outside since the weather is so nice [peanuts don't seem to taste as good while watching baseball without one].  I also still drool a little at the smell of coffee... and why is everyone posting pictures of them eating sushi? so unfair...
Movement:  She hasn't been AS [still pretty active though] active but she has been balling up more near the top of my stomach and the kicks/ punches she does throw seem to all catch me in the bladder
Cravings: Strawberries, cherry tomatoes and peaches
Food Aversions: None out of the ordinary this week
Symptoms: I have to pee ever 30 minutes it seems this week, it takes me 10 minutes to roll out of bed and turning over in bed... ha that's a whole other challenge on its own!!  My feet and ankles have also started swelling this week if I stay up on them for too long.
Other Updates: Nursery is painted, crib and dresser are ordered [crib is here!]

This past week was Easter as well, as always we had the greatest time with my family.  I sat out on this years egg hunt but it was fun watching everyone else.  I also of course over indulged [is that even possible] on every sweet thing I could find so I'm sure my weight has significantly gone up since my last appointment.

This is our last week in the double digit countdown!

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