Please excuse the blurriness... have no idea why I couldn't get it to focus :/
How far along: 26 Weeks
Gender: GirlChandler Updates: All 5 of her senses are fully developed. She weighs around 2 lbs and is the size of a large zucchini.
Weight gain: 15 lbs... no real weight gain this week
Stretch marks: None so far
Belly button in or out: Still flat
Miss anything: Coffee, wine, sushi, tanning bed (I feel pasty), Dr. Pepper, deli sandwiches... pretty much everything I can't have
Movement: Shes rolling and throwing some serious punches now
Cravings: Grilled, fresh veggies... can't wait until we officially start grilling.
Food Aversions: Bleh, same as last week... anything fast food
Symptoms: Backaches and can't seem to find a comfortable spot but sleep is definitely not an issue
Other Updates: Kitchen remodel is almost complete!! We are actually back into it now so I can cook and do dishes but they messed up our bar countertop and they didn't level the floor under the refridgerator so they have to redo it. I will take pictures once its officially done [maybe I will have gotten it restocked and all the finishing touches done by then as well].
Now onto the nursery!!!!!
I am praying I am half as cute as you are when I am pregnant! I think coffee, wine, and sushi would be the first 3 things I would be missing too! I hope you do some cute baby photos once your daughter is born. Congrats!