27 Weeks + Music Room Re-Do

Friday, April 11, 2014


How far along: 27  Weeks [hello 3rd trimester!!]
Gender: Girl
Chandler Updates:  She can now open and close her eyelids.  She is as big as a head of cauliflower and around 15 in long!
Weight gain: 14 lbs
Stretch marks: None so far
Belly button in or out: Still flat
Miss anything: Just the usual, not as dominant this week though, except for sushi... and wine (I blame work) :/
Movement: Still pretty active, she hates loud noises and usually goes bonkers around them
Cravings: Still on the fresh wagon: tomato's, broccoli (w/ ranch dip), salads
Food Aversions: nothing out of the ordinary- fast food still doesn't sound appetizing
Symptoms: Just mild backaches and the occasional headache this week; I've also had a lot of abdominal pressure lately
Other Updates: I had a doctors appt this week and had several new developments:
I have actually only gained 14 lbs... obviously my scale at home is messed up ;).  I failed my glucose test :( so now I have to go back for the 3 hour one next Monday.  I have also had quite a bit of pressure so she decided to just check me out right quick.  She used the hand held heartbeat monitor to check the baby's heartbeat... which Chandler hated.  She actually kicked Dr. Strnad and was trying to move away from it so Dr. Strnad pressed on my left side to "hold" Chandler still so she could listen clearly.

Spence was also out of town this week on a business trip (first time he has left me since we've been married, feels so weird to be on this side of the business travel situation) so it gave me the opportunity to have my parents and his uncle come down to help me surprise him by having the music room [now officially the office/ bonus room] re-done; Jordan also came over to help them move the safe and desk out.  He comes home Wednesday night so I can't wait to see his reaction.  FYI-this was the catch all room for the kitchen remodel so excuse some of the misc items like the mixer, microwave/ table/ and rug in the corner in the before pics... they weren't usually there.

Here are the before and afters:

I had already started taking down the drums when I remembered to take a pic



Now onto the nursery!

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