How far along: 30 Weeks
Gender: GirlChandler Updates: She is roughly 3 lbs and the size of an eggplant. Studies also show that at this stage when she sleeps she could be dreaming.
Weight gain: 16 lbs
Stretch marks: No
Belly button in or out: Flat (should I consider this my outtie??)
Miss anything: Being able to jump right up out of bed and coffee!
Movement: Some days I think shes mad at me... she will kick/ punch so hard I think I may pee my pants and then other times she does this gentle roll across my stomach like "Hi Momma"
Cravings: Hard shell tacos from Taco Bell, strawberries and yellow bell peppers. I have also had a glass of chocolate milk every morning of this pregnancy; I wake up craving it horribly (with the exception of a hand full of days).
Food Aversions: None this week
Symptoms: Hard time getting out of or rolling over in bed. Ive also had a lot of pressure in my lower abdomen and contractions on and off this week.
Other Updates: I have dilated to 1cm and have started having Braxton Hicks contractions. At this doctor appt they hooked me up to the fetal heartbeat and contraction monitor. Baby girl was doing great, her heartbeat was 138, and no contractions showed up in the 25 minutes they monitored me.