30 Weeks

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

How far along: 30 Weeks
Gender: Girl
Chandler Updates:  She is roughly 3 lbs and the size of an eggplant.  Studies also show that at this stage when she sleeps she could be dreaming. 
Weight gain: 16 lbs
Stretch marks: No
Belly button in or out: Flat (should I consider this my outtie??)
Miss anything: Being able to jump right up out of bed and coffee!
Movement:  Some days I think shes mad at me... she will kick/ punch so hard I think I may pee my pants and then other times she does this gentle roll across my stomach like "Hi Momma"
Cravings: Hard shell tacos from Taco Bell, strawberries and yellow bell peppers.  I have also had a glass of chocolate milk every morning of this pregnancy; I wake up craving it horribly (with the exception of a hand full of days).
Food Aversions: None this week
Symptoms: Hard time getting out of or rolling over in bed. Ive also had a lot of pressure in my lower abdomen and contractions on and off this week.
Other Updates: I have dilated to 1cm and have started having Braxton Hicks contractions.  At this doctor appt they hooked me up to the fetal heartbeat and contraction monitor.  Baby girl was doing great, her heartbeat was 138, and no contractions showed up in the 25 minutes they monitored me.

29 Weeks

Thursday, April 24, 2014

How far along: 29 Weeks
Gender: Girl
Chandler Updates:  About the size of a head of cauliflower.  Her bones are also starting to harden this week.
Weight gain: 16 lbs
Stretch marks: None so far
Belly button in or out: Still flat
Miss anything: Beer- Spence hung a TV outside this week so we've been watching the Braves play outside since the weather is so nice [peanuts don't seem to taste as good while watching baseball without one].  I also still drool a little at the smell of coffee... and why is everyone posting pictures of them eating sushi? so unfair...
Movement:  She hasn't been AS [still pretty active though] active but she has been balling up more near the top of my stomach and the kicks/ punches she does throw seem to all catch me in the bladder
Cravings: Strawberries, cherry tomatoes and peaches
Food Aversions: None out of the ordinary this week
Symptoms: I have to pee ever 30 minutes it seems this week, it takes me 10 minutes to roll out of bed and turning over in bed... ha that's a whole other challenge on its own!!  My feet and ankles have also started swelling this week if I stay up on them for too long.
Other Updates: Nursery is painted, crib and dresser are ordered [crib is here!]

This past week was Easter as well, as always we had the greatest time with my family.  I sat out on this years egg hunt but it was fun watching everyone else.  I also of course over indulged [is that even possible] on every sweet thing I could find so I'm sure my weight has significantly gone up since my last appointment.

This is our last week in the double digit countdown!

28 Weeks

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


How far along: 28 Weeks
Gender: Girl
Chandler Updates:  She's roughly 2 1/2 lbs and the size of a head of lettuce.
Weight gain: 15 lbs
Stretch marks: None so far
Belly button in or out: Still flat
Miss anything: Coffee! I can smell it from a mile away I think.  Still have the overwhelming sushi craving... hope that sticks around after Little Miss is born.
Movement:  Very much active this week. Its so neat to see her move around from the outside; sometimes its a little wave, other times its a huge jab.
Cravings: Toots!  We weren't able to stop after my 2nd glucose test this week so maybe in the next week or so I will get it!
Food Aversions: None out of the ordinary this week
Symptoms: Just some pressure, other than that I feel great!
Other Updates: Nursery was painted this weekend, furniture is picked out and in the process of being ordered and the nursery closet is being stocked and organized; finally having that feeling of "Holy Catfish we're bringing home a baby in 2 1/2 months!!!".

I passed my 2nd glucose test [I failed the first one]!! Whohoo... bring on the entire cake!

Kitchen was officially finished this week as well!  As soon as I think about it when I drag myself through the door [and Spencer touches up some paint scuffs] I will take pictures and publish the Kitchen Remodel post.

27 Weeks + Music Room Re-Do

Friday, April 11, 2014


How far along: 27  Weeks [hello 3rd trimester!!]
Gender: Girl
Chandler Updates:  She can now open and close her eyelids.  She is as big as a head of cauliflower and around 15 in long!
Weight gain: 14 lbs
Stretch marks: None so far
Belly button in or out: Still flat
Miss anything: Just the usual, not as dominant this week though, except for sushi... and wine (I blame work) :/
Movement: Still pretty active, she hates loud noises and usually goes bonkers around them
Cravings: Still on the fresh wagon: tomato's, broccoli (w/ ranch dip), salads
Food Aversions: nothing out of the ordinary- fast food still doesn't sound appetizing
Symptoms: Just mild backaches and the occasional headache this week; I've also had a lot of abdominal pressure lately
Other Updates: I had a doctors appt this week and had several new developments:
I have actually only gained 14 lbs... obviously my scale at home is messed up ;).  I failed my glucose test :( so now I have to go back for the 3 hour one next Monday.  I have also had quite a bit of pressure so she decided to just check me out right quick.  She used the hand held heartbeat monitor to check the baby's heartbeat... which Chandler hated.  She actually kicked Dr. Strnad and was trying to move away from it so Dr. Strnad pressed on my left side to "hold" Chandler still so she could listen clearly.

Spence was also out of town this week on a business trip (first time he has left me since we've been married, feels so weird to be on this side of the business travel situation) so it gave me the opportunity to have my parents and his uncle come down to help me surprise him by having the music room [now officially the office/ bonus room] re-done; Jordan also came over to help them move the safe and desk out.  He comes home Wednesday night so I can't wait to see his reaction.  FYI-this was the catch all room for the kitchen remodel so excuse some of the misc items like the mixer, microwave/ table/ and rug in the corner in the before pics... they weren't usually there.

Here are the before and afters:

I had already started taking down the drums when I remembered to take a pic



Now onto the nursery!

26 Weeks

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Please excuse the blurriness... have no idea why I couldn't get it to focus :/

How far along: 26  Weeks
Gender: Girl
Chandler Updates:  All 5 of her senses are fully developed.  She weighs around 2 lbs and is the size of a large zucchini.
Weight gain: 15 lbs... no real weight gain this week
Stretch marks: None so far
Belly button in or out: Still flat
Miss anything: Coffee, wine, sushi, tanning bed (I feel pasty), Dr. Pepper, deli sandwiches... pretty much everything I can't have
Movement: Shes rolling and throwing some serious punches now
Cravings: Grilled, fresh veggies... can't wait until we officially start grilling.
Food Aversions: Bleh, same as last week... anything fast food
Symptoms: Backaches and can't seem to find a comfortable spot but sleep is definitely not an issue
Other Updates:  Kitchen remodel is almost complete!! We are actually back into it now so I can cook and do dishes but they messed up our bar countertop and they didn't level the floor under the refridgerator so they have to redo it.  I will take pictures once its officially done [maybe I will have gotten it restocked and all the finishing touches done by then as well].
Now onto the nursery!!!!!