
Monday, November 3, 2014

So Chandler had a little Halloween party at daycare a couple of days before Halloween, I love the fact that her babysitter [Carla or G-maw] is so involved. When I arrived she was asleep amongst all the chaos- smh how does she do that.
She finally woke up and was so interested in everything and everyone around her. We decorated little pumpkins and sparkly ghosts.

She then had her picture made with an owl mask Carla made her in her Halloween pjs.
They then had festive snacks, which bug was too little to partake in, and everyone ran around on sugar highs.
her in between Halloween festivites outfit

On Halloween night we had my parents, my grandparents and Spencers mom over to pass out candy and see Chandler in her costume. We kept it simple with the meue: chili, caramel apple dip and caramel apple cupcakes... can you see a trend there :)
recipe here
recipe here [we omitted the sticks] 

 Her dad picked out her costume this year and she was so stinking cute but she didnt stay in it long since she just stayed inside and slept.



and she's out again

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