Gender Reveal Party

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

So, as you know on Monday, February 3 we went for our 18 week appointment and to find out what Baby Wayne will officially be.  Just a short recap on that visit- baby had its legs bent, sitting on its feet with the umbilical cord between its legs... oh holy panic attack, I was a nervous wreck we wouldn't be able to find out, but we did!!  The tech put the pics in an envelope and knowing us all too well she also put them inside of a folded card and sealed it shut- I admit I held it up to light to see if I could peek.  So that afternoon we passed it off to my lovely sister who would be the only one to truly know the gender for an entire week... shes a stronger woman than me, she didn't tell a soul the entire week!

So on February 9th we met our friends and family at the shooting range where Spencer is a member to find out with everyone what we are having [this reveal was so appropriate for our family]-


So even though Spencer said that he was preparing for a girl I think I can honestly say that he is no where near prepared in his head- bless him he is a nervous wreck for her to arrive! 

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