How far along: 19 Weeks
Gender: Baby Wayne is a... GIRL!!!Weight gain: 3 lbs
Stretch marks: none so far
Belly button in or out: In [getting a little shallow though]
Miss anything: Deli sandwiches, I would kill for a McCallisters club
Mood: Feeling pretty good this week!!
Movement: Starting to feel some bumps and kicks in there, feels like tiny bubbles or butterflies
Cravings: Not really, I've had a massive sweet tooth though [I blame all the Valentine treats floating around]
Food Aversions: Nothing out of the ordinary this week
Symptoms: Still have the backache and finding it hard to get comfortable this week
Other Updates: I am so anxious to get started on baby girls room!! We picked out some paint colors/ color schemes this week so I'm shopping for bedding for the next couple of weeks to see what I can find
We also officially have a name: Chandler Zella Wayne
Zella is Spencer's grandmothers [Hunnie] name and since she was such an influential part of his upbringing and one of the main reasons he turned out to be the man he is today we felt it appropriate to give Chandler her name. I couldn't be any happier with how cute and strong our baby girl's name is- high five babe!
So we took Spence's picture with the board this week too-
This is how he thinks it is [sending a message to all the future boys that may come around]:
How it actually is haha:
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