23 Weeks

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

So due to our recent kitchen construction I don't have access to my chalkboard since its in the closet... behind the spot where we stacked all of our kitchen stuff :/.  So for the next couple of weeks I will have to do a belly shot without the chalkboard updates.

How far along: 23  Weeks
Gender: Girl
Chandler Updates:  We officially have a 1 pounder!! Actually she was at 1 lb 3 oz on 3/7 and is as big as an eggplant.
Weight gain: 10 lbs
Stretch marks: None
Belly button in or out: Still in, I will just call it flat at this point
Miss anything: Oh just the normal things... those haven't changed much from week to week.  I officially have to go to maternity pants [can still do most pre-pregnancy tops]; the hair tie trick or completely unbuttoned look was no longer working; so I'm starting to miss some of my cuter jeans and shorts now that the weather is warming up.
Movement: Shes still bumping around in there.  Kicks/ punches are definitely more defined; no more flutters
Cravings: Still on the fresh wagon [carrots w/ ranch dip, tomatoes, fruit] even though I don't really have any specific cravings; some stuff just sounds better than others
Food Aversions: None so far
Symptoms: Feel pretty good this week, finally over my crud [still have some congestion and a cough].  I find it hard to get comfortable when laying down but after a few minutes I'm good to go.
Other Updates:  I had a doctors appt on Friday March 7th and everything is good to go at this point.  Baby girl is measuring where she is supposed to.  In 4 weeks I go back for the gestational diabetes testing, then another appt 3 weeks after that then were at 2 appts every month! How is time going by this fast?!?

Our kitchen remodel has also started, its not as fun as I thought it would be :/  I will post a blog with before and after pictures... huge transformation underway.

Oh and BTW- were back to square one on the nursery design... Spence isn't totally in love with anything that we have looked at thus far

1 comment :

  1. I hope I look as cute as you when I am pregnant! Congrats on your upcoming family member!
