Second Ultrasound/ Appointment

Sunday, January 12, 2014

So, if you read my earlier post you know that we were scheduled to go back to the doctor on January 6 but due to the weather that appointment was canceled and she had me reschedule for that Friday, January 10th.  Unfortunately, since this appointment was rescheduled for a Friday and on such short notice Spencer wasn't able to go so I asked my mom and sister to go with me.  Gwen ended up keeping Dayton for the weekend so he made the trip with us.  My ultrasound appointment was scheduled for 2 pm and doctors appointment at 3:15.  We arrived at the Imaging Center and the receptionist told us they were running a little bit behind so we had to wait for about 10-15 minutes. Dayton was being awfully quiet and wouldn't leave Gwen's lap, we found out why when we went back to the room, he thought we had brought him to see that doctor and he panicked lol.  Anyways the tech finally called us back and I don't know why but I was so nervous... I just wanted to see the baby and to make sure everything was all right.  If I can give anyone who is pregnant any advice- Don't read stuff on the internet, it will drive you NUTS and make you constantly worry!!  So she starts the ultrasound, baby pops up on the screen and is just wiggling all over the place!!!  Here's baby at 14w3d:
Last time we were able to see the baby it was just laying there... looking like a tiny gummy bear.  She then started the fetal heart beat monitor (this was the first time that we were able to hear it) and it has to be the sweetest sound that I have ever heard; 172 beats per minute :)!!  Since Spencer wasn't there I asked if I could record the heart beat and she said they normally don't allow patients to but she let me anyways.  She then went about measuring everything, pointing stuff out to us and letting us know how good everything looked.  Dayton was too cute, he asked the tech- Is Che Che broke, she said no Che Che isn't broke shes just fine, he then looks at me and says "Che Che not broke" lol! 

When we first went in I told her "If you can tell what it is don't tell us because we don't want to know right now", she then told me that she was 100% confident that she would be able to tell this early but if we didn't want her to say that was fine.  Spencer and I had heard that if they tell you this early sometimes it is misread so when you go back the next time they will tell you something different... I think that thought would drive me more crazy than not knowing; so that's why I said that.  Well her confidence that she could tell won the best of me so as soon as we left I called Spence and told him, he said if she was that confident for us to go back up there and have her write it down.  So Gwen and I ran back up there but she was already with another patient, I was so anxious that I decided we would wait the 10 minutes for her to finish.  She laughed when she saw us waiting and told me that if we really wanted to know that she wanted to pull me back in and look one more time to be sure since she just glanced the first time.  So we ran back in there, I hopped up on the table, she turned the screen on and baby was already asleep and facing away from the camera :(  She wiggled the wand over my stomach to make it wake up but it wasn't having it.  Baby finally rolled over but had its legs crossed over its crotch lol!!  Here's that picture: 
As a last ditch effort to make us go away it "waved" at us and then rolled back over.  Oh well, we lost that chance but we did get 3 more pictures out of the ordeal.  So we left that office and headed over to the doctors office for my checkup.  She said everything looked the same, to come back in 4 weeks and she promised that next time we would definitely be able to tell what baby is.  So as of right now that appointment is scheduled for February 7th and we're planning on having the gender reveal party on the 9th (fingers crossed baby cooperates)! 

Here are the past weekly chalkboard pictures that we've taken-  Spencer just randomly snaps the pics (so sweet of him to take them for me) so I go behind him and edit them in ;)  Also, see the difference between the first one and the last 3?... chalk markers, best thing ever!

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