Pumpkin Patch & Fair

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Can I just take a minute to say- I love Fall! I love everything about Fall.  The weather couldn't be anymore perfect.  I love fall clothes better than any other season- layers, lots of layers because you're going to wake up in the morning freezing your tail off and then sweating like crazy by noon [well, especially in the south].  I love pumpkins [not so much in everything I drink or eat though]. I love mums.  I love Halloween.  I just love Fall!
I needed to pick up some mums and I really wanted purple [Marion Co.] and orange [Go Vols] so after talking to my mom we decided our best bet was Grandaddys Farm in Estill Springs.  So on Saturday little miss and I loaded up and headed that way with my parents.  In true fashion I fiddle farted around all day and we didn't get over there until late but I was able to snap a few pictures of bug before it got too dark [she was in a horrible mood so I couldn't get a smile out of her to save my life].

So I got my mums and we hightailed it out of there to meet my sister and brother-in-law at the fair.  I was so excited because I thought bug would love it! All the lights and noises, that should be right up her alley, right?? Once again she was just like ehh and could have really cared less.  Like I said she was in a mood :/

aunt Gwen & uncle Jason
with GiGi

I on the other hand was in heaven, I love the fair... well at this stage in my life I love fair food... not so much the actual fair- I've come to realize its a dirty place, its crowded and makes me antsy.  That being said when Chandler gets old enough I hope she loves it too and I will just get over myself so she can make great memories like I did as a kid at the fair.

Chandler is 3 months!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Little miss is definitely coming into her personality.  She is smiling like crazy and gurgling [trying to laugh out loud]- she has also discovered her voice so she squeals when she gets excited- cutest.thing.ever!.  She loves to be talked to and has started blowing bubbles.  She chews on her hands constantly and has started over producing slobber so she [and I] is usually covered in it. She adores Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Doc McStuffins and Sophia the First- pretty much anything with music and bright colors.  She sleeps though the night, usually 7-8 hours [she will occasionally wake up but goes right back to sleep after some snuggling/nursing].  Has started sitting up with assistance but has a hard time with the Bumbo seat- maybe in the coming weeks she will master that.  She loves the new play mat that our cousins let us borrow- it has a piano at the end so she kicks at it like crazy.  She has pretty much quit sleeping during the day and only takes 10-20 minute catnaps so we do a lot of things in the carrier or we just lay around all day playing :).  She halfway rolled over but couldn't roll her behind over so she got frustrated and cried- that was a one time occurrence so I'd say in the next month we will have a new milestone added to the list.  She starts daycare next week in preparation for me returning to work in the next couple of weeks so fingers crossed that she and I handle that ok, I'm excited for her to be around other babies but I'm going to miss my little bug like crazy! 
Happy 3 months love!!!

Weight: 11lbs 14oz
Height:  23in

[don't mind the above picture-she's usually a happy baby... she was just not into having her picture taken that day]

Wishing her daddy a Happy Birthday!

sweet chunk of love <3