21 Weeks

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

So.... I somehow totally skipped taking a 21 week picture :/ Whoops

How far along: 21  Weeks
Gender: Girl
Chandler Updates: She is about 10 1/2 in long, she can also suck her thumb and open/ close her eyes
Weight gain: 5 lbs
Stretch marks: No
Belly button in or out: Still in-ish
Miss anything: Deli sandwiches and cheese dip from the Mexican restaurant.  This weather has also made me miss Lookouts games with peanuts... and beer [can you have one without the other at a baseball game?!?]
Movement: Oh yes, shes a mover and a shaker... can finally feel her movements from the outside
Cravings: Fruit esp Granny Smith apples and tangerines. 
Food Aversions: Not anything out of the ordinary although I have been slightly picky about what I actually eat this week
Symptoms: Oh holy round ligament pains- I had one the other night that brought tears to my eyes and caused me to curl into the fetal position on the floor while Sadie looked on highly confused. Slight backache and some congestion, despite all this I have [amazingly] slept like a log this week.
Other Updates: The Wayne household has been plagued with sickness all week. Spencer has had a sinus infection and a blown out back. I had the WORST congestion, headache and a low grade fever all weekend. I think we're finally back on track though so we were able to enjoy some of this gorgeous "Spring" weather before we go back to freezing our tails off this coming week.

We also have the kitchen remodel scheduled for the beginning of next month so I will try to remember to take before, during and after photos to share.  I'm excited but oh so nervous to have our house invaded and ripped apart  for 3 weeks.

20 Weeks

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

How far along: 20 Weeks <-- Half way there whohoo!
Gender: Girl
*Chandler Updates: She is as big as a squash and as long as carrot. 
Weight gain: 4 lbs
Stretch marks: none so far, I hold my breath for this one every week
Belly button in or out: In, still getting shallow; I must say I'm ready for it to be out!
Miss anything: The usual... and coke. I told Spence I want a huge Dr. Pepper waiting on me after delivery
Mood:  Upbeat and happy
Movement: Definitely... baby girl likes to squirm and squirm down low and I do mean looow.  I think she thinks my bladder is a trampoline.
Cravings: Well since I shamelessly scarfed down a WHOLE box 2 whole boxes of Girl Scout cookies at work this week I guess you could say I still crave anything sweet... chocolate milk, peanut butter balls [thanks Aunt Nancy, Chandler LOVES those ;)], Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal... and the milk it sat in. I have loved the Dole mango cups... I have polished off several of those this week.  I also had half a Sierra Mist the other night which [slightly] curbed my craving for coke.
Food Aversions: Nah at this point I will eat pretty much anything you put in front of me
Symptoms: Gas... and a lot of it, so classy I know.  Also still have the pregnancy acne... lucky me.
Other Updates: Still panicking over the scheme/ colors for the nursery.  I know I'm way ahead of myself but at this point I'm thinking her bedding will have to be custom made and if I don't do it now then she will come home to an unfinished room since it may not be done in time, and I can't decide on anything else until I pick out bedding [see how this snow balls irrationally in my head]...
On another note we have had some gorgeous weather this week for February, hello low 60's!, so Spencer and I have been soaking this up... did a little hiking to look at some property- this about killed me [I'm way out of shape] and I told Spence to just leave me on a stump and go on with his dad, I sat on that stump for an hour overlooking the mountains, it was absolutely breathtaking.

*I decided to add this in so that we can also keep track of new things developing with baby girl as she grows.

19 Weeks

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

How far along: 19 Weeks
Gender: Baby Wayne is a... GIRL!!!
Weight gain: 3 lbs
Stretch marks: none so far
Belly button in or out: In [getting a little shallow though]
Miss anything: Deli sandwiches, I would kill for a McCallisters club
Mood: Feeling pretty good this week!!
Movement: Starting to feel some bumps and kicks in there, feels like tiny bubbles or butterflies
Cravings: Not really, I've had a massive sweet tooth though [I blame all the Valentine treats floating around]
Food Aversions: Nothing out of the ordinary this week
Symptoms: Still have the backache and finding it hard to get comfortable this week
Other Updates: I am so anxious to get started on baby girls room!!  We picked out some paint colors/ color schemes this week so I'm shopping for bedding for the next couple of weeks to see what I can find

We also officially have a name: Chandler Zella Wayne

Zella is Spencer's grandmothers [Hunnie] name and since she was such an influential part of his upbringing and one of the main reasons he turned out to be the man he is today we felt it appropriate to give Chandler her name.  I couldn't be any happier with how cute and strong our baby girl's name is- high five babe!

So we took Spence's picture with the board this week too-

This is how he thinks it is [sending a message to all the future boys that may come around]:

How it actually is haha:

Gender Reveal Party

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

So, as you know on Monday, February 3 we went for our 18 week appointment and to find out what Baby Wayne will officially be.  Just a short recap on that visit- baby had its legs bent, sitting on its feet with the umbilical cord between its legs... oh holy panic attack, I was a nervous wreck we wouldn't be able to find out, but we did!!  The tech put the pics in an envelope and knowing us all too well she also put them inside of a folded card and sealed it shut- I admit I held it up to light to see if I could peek.  So that afternoon we passed it off to my lovely sister who would be the only one to truly know the gender for an entire week... shes a stronger woman than me, she didn't tell a soul the entire week!

So on February 9th we met our friends and family at the shooting range where Spencer is a member to find out with everyone what we are having [this reveal was so appropriate for our family]-


So even though Spencer said that he was preparing for a girl I think I can honestly say that he is no where near prepared in his head- bless him he is a nervous wreck for her to arrive! 

18 Weeks

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

How far along: 18 Weeks
Gender: Don't know yet <-- I still say girl
Weight gain: 2 lbs, the doctor scale said 6 but the nurse ASSURED me that it weighs 4 lbs heavy ;)
Stretch marks: No
Belly button in or out: In
Miss anything: Wine [esp the bottle of muscadine that keeps staring at me from the bar], queso dip from the Mexican restaurant- we eat Mexican every Sunday so how did I expect this to not be a big deal & I'm still craving sushi... which I can't have :(
Mood: Happy this week... I did have a tantrum moment when Spence was standing beside me in the laundry closet doing a turkey call, I yanked it from his hands, threw it to the ground and glared at him until he went away haha
Movement: None yet- I keep telling myself what I feel is just gas, I will probably say no to this one until baby kicks and breaks one of my ribs haha
Cravings: Veggies and lots of them with ranch dip.  I also crave pickles but only spears... not chips or whole
Food Aversions: Nada but its surprising how much people will talk about certain foods/ food combinations and it just sounds gross
Symptoms: My back has been hurting and I can't seem to get comfortable this week, I have also started getting a 3 o'clock headache that usually [fingers crossed] goes away by 6ish
Other Updates: We had our 3rd ultrasound to see baby and find out the gender!! Gender reveal is on Sunday so were both so anxious to find out what baby is.  Gwen is the only one who knows so fingers crossed she keeps the secret for the whole week and everyone is surprised!!

** We also found out that we are actually farther along than what we originally thought so this is why week 17 is missing... I just skipped it all together [that's what I get for procrastinating posts].