Weekend Happenings + A Tooth!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

So I'm excited [and truly a little sad] to report that all of Bug's hard work paid off and she had her first tooth pop through!  I feel like her gummy smile was her last little bit of baby-ness and I have a feeling I'm going to terribly miss her toothless grin; this child is growing entirely too fast for me.  On another note though, this means she will soon be able to tear into some new food choices so that's always exciting.  I gave her a quarter, peeled apple slice last night to gnaw on and she loved it... so much she screamed at me everytime she lost it in her high chair.  She finally threw it on the floor where the dog, Sadie, was anxiously waiting.  I have a feeling Sadie will now be come a regular at the highchair during dinner time [breakfast and lunch too on the weekends]. 

...and there it is. I know, its tiny, but its there and I'm sure more will follow suit soon.
Also, some happenings from our weekend.  I ended up making like 6-7 bags of baby food for Bug this weekend so I will slowly try to add those.  She has made it through all the major single foods and we have started pairing foods for meals such as peas and sweet potatoes or squash and avocados.  She has been a fan of just about every food besides bananas and plain yogurt, but if you add a flavor to the yogurt, say blueberries, shes good to go.  So her meals go a little something like this:  yogurt or oatmeal with a fruit for breakfast, either 2 veggies or a veggie and fruit for lunch and usually 2 veggies for dinner with bottles in between throughout the day and nursing in the evenings and night. 
She has really surprised me at how well she has done with food.  A couple of weeks back Spencer let her try a nibble of his ice cream and its probably one of the funniest things Ive seen so far; she literally was grabbing his hand and moving it back to her mouth even though she just stuck her face in it instead of actually eating any.  So over the weekend we made our way downtown to eat lunch and Spence decided to stop for Coldstone Creamery [a first for us both].  I gave her a nibble of mine and he did the same with his and she was like a little bird, mouth open the entire time and screamed if she thought we forgot about her.  Needless to say I ate heaping spoonfuls of mine in order to dispose of it quickly so she didn't think I had to share half my bowl with her which lets face it will happen sooner or later.  I just thought I had a little while longer before I had to start sharing my food but I guess we really only have ourselves to blame for this one.
My parents also bought Bug a walker which she loves.  She plays in one at daycare so we thought she would like one at home too instead of having to be stationary in her jumper or highchair while I cook dinner  Shes slowly learning how to get around in it and loves when Spencer chases the dog with her in it.  Sadie doesn't think its funny and now Chandler expects the dog to play with her while shes in it.  It wont be long until Sadie has to actually hide to get away from Bug but for now she can simply go into another room and once shes out of site Chandler forgets about her and moves on to other things to get into. 
Here are some of my favorite gummy smiles <3

I don't know why but this picture always cracks me up

7 months!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

This girl has developed a sassy, sweet, little attitude. She has learned to "voice" her opinion and lets you know when she's not happy with something you're doing. She started reaching for us this month which is the sweetest thing ever. She dives for anything she wants which is usually the remote or a cell phone. She has also developed such a big appetite and makes some of the strangest faces when introduced new foods and textures; she also gets impatient if you don't feed her fast enough. She is also grabbing on to stuff and what I mean when I say that is... your face, hair, jugular vein... anything she can grab and shake her head at. She watches Mickey Mouse Clubhouse like a fan girl and laughs hysterically when he starts his intro. This month she also celebrated her First Christmas, she didn't get it but thought it was fun to play with so much paper and since then dive bombs towards any piece of paper she sees. She has also started spitting out new sounds or words... whatever you call them at this point and talks to you so seriously. She can sit up but prefers to lay down and roll as she can get places like that so were constantly unwedging her from between coffee tables and couches.





Valentine's Day Ideas

Friday, January 16, 2015

It's officially a little less than a month away from Valentine's Day and I know it may be a tad too early to start thinking about but I can't help but get excited to celebrate with Bug this year.  She will have a daycare Valentine's Day party and I can't wait to help her send each one of her friends a Valentine card... you remember the old school ones you put in the homemade Valentine's boxes at school.  I'm also thinking we will make some festive treats for both daycare and home to celebrate so I'll be in need of heart shaped everything for the kitchen.   All of the kids are pretty young so I will have to think up some things that are infant/ toddler friendly.  I'm also thinking of creating festive breakfast's or dinner's for us at home so that we can all celebrate together.
Garland [diy] | Paper Straws | Goodie Bags
I am pretty obsessed with decorating my chalkboard so I have the intention of making garland similar to the one above to drape over it.  I found this cute recipe for heart shaped almond bark that will be perfect for the goodie bags at daycare.
I also love to deck Bug out in festive holiday wear so I've found some of the cutest pieces from some of our favorite stores.  
LOVE sweatshirt | ballet slippers | overall skirt | gold moccasins | sweater dress | headband [diy] | graphic onesie

 Happy Friday!!

Random Wednesday

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Happy Wednesday! We got the ok to start Bug on some chunkier foods such as green beans, mashed potatoes, teething biscuits... Anything soft that will get her use to eating what we eat. First try was a fail. She wasn't having the whole feeding her self scenario.  Apples were her food of the week so I diced an apple and boiled it until it turned to mush when you touched it. She loved to play in it but hated that chunky feel when it actually made it to her mouth so I ended up mixing it with a cube of her puréed apples and she devoured it like she was starving.  Maybe she doesn't think she gets fed fast enough doing it herself; who knows.

As part of my living room redo I decided to make Bug her own little spot.  I found the rug at Home Goods and couldn't pass it up.  I think her Papa and Gigi will be purchasing her a teepee for hir birthday so I'm thinking I will put this run in the teepee with some lights to make a cozy little spot for her to call her own.